Style Clue 2: “Make sure you can easily see everything you have in your closet, drawers, all your clothes and accessories. Because if you don’t, you will probably forget about it and therefore will not wear it as often, if ever.”

Why Is A Good Idea To Have A Great LoungeWear Wardrobe

Why Is A Good Idea To Have A Great LoungeWear Wardrobe

In any age, your loungewear clothes should be picked as any other clothes in your wardrobe: carefully curated to suit your body type, personal style, lifestyle and taste. And equally immaculate: no buttons missing, no holes, no discoloration, no worn out pieces. Because they do matter. Even if you live alone. And no, it is not because we never know who can knock at our doors (although that would be a good pro)… but because you deserve to present yourself in your best version all the time, even when there is no one around but yourself. Because you are worthy and deserve it. Full stop.

My loungewear jumpsuit that goes easily from my couch to the market.

With that in mind, picking good pieces to lounge at your house is a must. And here I am not implying that you should buy expensive, high quality, fashion forward clothes. Not at all. Basic, comfortable, affordable and yet good looking and good to be in clothes that totally flatter you and your body type will do it. Think about pieces that you can stay comfy at home but if you need you could go to the market nearby to buy groceries or walk your dog at the park or even go to the mall and rock it. Think of pieces that look good on you, color-wise, shape-wise, model-wise.

And no, you don’t need a lot of pieces, just a few to cover both cold and warm weather, perfect pieces to wear them off. And when they get to the point they need replacement, do so. Because the idea here is to have clothes in the perfect shape to wear in and out.

Here is a list of how a good lounge wear wardrobe could be:

  • 3 short sleeves tees or any short sleeves tops.
  • 3 long sleeves tees or any long sleeves tops.
  • 2 sweaters.
  • 2 cardigans or any other coat.
  • 2 comfy pants like leggings or a straight leg pants.
  • 1 flowy jumpsuit.
  • 3 dresses.

If you don’t like any of the pieces on the list, you don’t need to include them. For instance, if dresses are not your thing, you don’t need to include them. Instead, add more pants and tees. If you like shirts, tunics, boho blouses (or dresses) you can add them as well. This is just a very impersonal list I made above. Make it personal to you and your style. Please.

And yes, if you dye your hair at home or do anything that could bleach, stain or ruin your clothes, you can have two set of clothes for that activity. Those clothes can be the damage ones. No problem. For any other activities, make sure your clothes are impeccable.

Here there is a Pinterest board with good ideas for a good and versatile loungewear wardrobe. Some of the looks featured on this board are already outdoors look so you can have the feeling how it is a loungewear that you can go out with.

And this approach to loungewear should be embraced especially but not only for us, women going through any phase of Menopause. Cause more than ever, the loungewear wardrobe will matter since lounging is gonna be our favorite estate, right? And if you build your loungewear wardrobe with that in mind, you will not need to change your clothes if you have to interrupt your lounging to go out for a quick ride. You will be ready to go. And in style.